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    [total] => 20
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    [isos] => Array
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    [sql] => SELECT * FROM news_data  WHERE 1=1  AND news_data MATCH \"NEAR(philippin*, 10)\" AND category MATCH '2'AND iso MATCH 'PH'  ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0
    [data] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [iso] => PH
                    [title] => Why Are Manila, Cebu, and Palawan Emerging as the Top Tourist Hubs in the Philippines?
                    [sha] => 1440704261
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                    [description] => Why Are Manila, Cebu, and Palawan Emerging as the Top Tourist Hubs in the Philippines?  Travel And Tour World
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                    [date] => 1741867627
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                    [iso] => PH
                    [title] => Philippines And Indonesia Gain A Competitive Edge In Global Tourism With Air India’s Direct Flights
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                    [description] => Philippines And Indonesia Gain A Competitive Edge In Global Tourism With Air India’s Direct Flights  Travel And Tour World
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                    [date] => 1741595983
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                    [iso] => PH
                    [title] => Marhaba Brings VIP Comfort to Clark International Airport in the Philippines with a New Premium Lounge
                    [sha] => 3196374154
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                    [description] => Marhaba Brings VIP Comfort to Clark International Airport in the Philippines with a New Premium Lounge  Travel And Tour World
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                    [date] => 1741075837
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                    [title] => Climate finance eludes small farmers, fishers in Philippines
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                    [description] => Climate finance eludes small farmers, fishers in Philippines  BenarNews
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                    [date] => 1740771009
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                    [title] => Wyoming Child Porn Case Ends With Raid Of Philippines Sex House
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                    [description] => Wyoming Child Porn Case Ends With Raid Of Philippines Sex House  Cowboy State Daily
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                    [date] => 1740610380
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                    [title] => Philippines Rises As A Halal Tourism Powerhouse With Unstoppable Growth Driven By Strategic Investments And Recognition In Global Muslim Travel
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                    [description] => Philippines Rises As A Halal Tourism Powerhouse With Unstoppable Growth Driven By Strategic Investments And Recognition In Global Muslim Travel  Travel And Tour World
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                    [date] => 1740567370
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                    [iso] => PH
                    [title] => Taiwan, South Korea, Philippines, Japan, And Singapore See Massive International bookings in Hawaii ;Reports Suggest Tourism Boom
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                    [title] => Philippine Billionaire Sy Family’s SM Prime Earmarks $1.7 Billion To Expand Property Footprint
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                    [title] => Air India and the Philippines Collaborate on Direct Flights to Strengthen Travel Connections, Boost Tourism, and Deepen Economic and Cultural Ties
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                    [title] => Avion Express Philippines Launches Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance, and Insurance Services to Boost Aviation Capacity Amidst Surging Tourism Demand
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                    [description] => Avion Express Philippines Launches Aircraft, Crew, Maintenance, and Insurance Services to Boost Aviation Capacity Amidst Surging Tourism Demand  Travel And Tour World
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                    [title] => Paresan, Lechon house: Pinoys pitch food restos, destinations for Michelin Guide Philippines
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                    [description] => The Michelin Guide is officially coming to the Philippines, with its inaugural edition set to highlight the culinary landscapes of Manila, Cebu, and surrounding areas, including Pampanga, Tagaytay, and Cavite. In an announcement on Tuesday, February 18, the Michelin Guide revealed that it is setting its sights on the Philippines, calling it an “exciting new […] The post Paresan, Lechon house: Pinoys pitch food restos, destinations for Michelin Guide Philippines appeared first on Interaksyon.
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                    [date] => 1739869186
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                    [iso] => PH
                    [title] => Airline responds to luggage concern of A1 member Mark Read amid PH ‘Valentine’s Tour’
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                    [url] => https://interaksyon.philstar.com/celebrities/2025/02/17/291936/airline-responds-luggage-concern-a1-mark-read-valentines-tour/
                    [description] => A budget airline addressed the concern of A1 member Mark Read, who encountered luggage issues during their “Valentine’s Tour” in the country. British-Norwegian boy band A1 was in the Philippines they performed until February 16. The ’90s band has since serenaded fans in Bacolod on February 12 and Cagayan de Oro on February 13. They […] The post Airline responds to luggage concern of A1 member Mark Read amid PH ‘Valentine’s Tour’ appeared first on Interaksyon.
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                    [date] => 1739777840
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                    [iso] => PH
                    [title] => New Phoenix restaurant offers food, flavors of the Philippines
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                    [description] => New Phoenix restaurant offers food, flavors of the Philippines  Arizona's Family
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                    [iso] => PH
                    [title] => Central Phoenix restaurant offers food, flavors and culture of the Philippines
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                    [description] => Central Phoenix restaurant offers food, flavors and culture of the Philippines  Arizona's Family
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                    [date] => 1739723820
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