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    [sql] => SELECT * FROM news_data  WHERE 1=1  AND news_data MATCH \"NEAR(philippin*, 10)\" AND category MATCH '5'AND iso MATCH 'PH'  ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 100 OFFSET 0
    [data] => Array
            [0] => Array
                    [iso] => PH
                    [title] => Arrest of Philippines' Duterte offers a glimmer of hope at troubled ICC
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                    [description] => Arrest of Philippines' Duterte offers a glimmer of hope at troubled ICC  Hindustan Times
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                    [date] => 1741877826
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            [1] => Array
                    [iso] => PH
                    [title] => To the Philippines: Don’t be a ship lost at sea in foreign policy
                    [sha] => 1566607091
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                    [description] => To the Philippines: Don’t be a ship lost at sea in foreign policy  Global Times
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                    [date] => 1741870380
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            [2] => Array
                    [iso] => PH
                    [title] => Australia Warns Tourists to the Philippines Amid New Civil Unrest and Terrorism Threats: What Does This Mean for Safety?
                    [sha] => 1483320506
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                    [description] => Australia Warns Tourists to the Philippines Amid New Civil Unrest and Terrorism Threats: What Does This Mean for Safety?  Travel And Tour World
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                    [iso] => PH
                    [title] => Duterte refused fingerprinting and threatened lawsuits during chaotic arrest, Philippine police say
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                    [description] => Duterte refused fingerprinting and threatened lawsuits during chaotic arrest, Philippine police say  KTLA Los Angeles
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                    [date] => 1741867312
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                    [iso] => PH
                    [title] => ‘Whatever happened in the past ’: Philippines Prez Duterte takes responsibility for drug war after arrest
                    [sha] => 3096992225
                    [description] => ‘Whatever happened in the past ’: Philippines Prez Duterte takes responsibility for drug war after arrest  Mint
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                    [date] => 1741862263
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            [5] => Array
                    [iso] => PH
                    [title] => Viral: Images of injured cop allegedly struck by Honeylet during Duterte arrest
                    [sha] => 3702983827
                    [url] => https://interaksyon.philstar.com/trends-spotlights/2025/03/13/293292/viral-images-hurt-saf-personnel-honeylet-avancena-duterte-arrest/
                    [description] => Pictures of a Special Action Force (SAF) personnel allegedly injured by Honeylet Avanceña, former president Rodrigo Duterte‘s common-law wife, during his arrest on Tuesday, March 11, have gone viral. News outlets, including the state-controlled Philippine News Agency, reported on Thursday, March 13, that a female SAF officer was wounded after Avanceña allegedly struck her with a […] The post Viral: Images of injured cop allegedly struck by Honeylet during Duterte arrest appeared first on Interaksyon.
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                    [date] => 1741857102
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                    [iso] => PH
                    [title] => Take responsibility for war on drugs': Philippines leader Duterte posts Facebook video ahead of ICC appearance
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                    [description] => Take responsibility for war on drugs': Philippines leader Duterte posts Facebook video ahead of ICC appearance  Firstpost
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                    [title] => Families of Duterte’s drug war victims grieve, seek justice in Philippines
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                    [description] => Families of Duterte’s drug war victims grieve, seek justice in Philippines  Al Jazeera English
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                    [title] => WATCH | 10 people injured as escalator glitch throws them off in Philippines
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                    [title] => Duterte takes responsibility for deadly Philippines drug war, expects long ICC battle
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                    [description] => Duterte takes responsibility for deadly Philippines drug war, expects long ICC battle  FRANCE 24 English
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                    [date] => 1741850060
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                    [iso] => PH
                    [title] => Philippines Duterte's first night in a jail cell is a pivotal moment for the ICC
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                    [description] => Philippines Duterte's first night in a jail cell is a pivotal moment for the ICC  BBC.com
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                    [title] => Philippines Duterte's first night in ICC custody is a pivotal moment for the court
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                    [title] => Duterte takes responsibility for Philippines drug war in video message
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                    [description] => Duterte takes responsibility for Philippines drug war in video message  Al Jazeera English
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                    [title] => Chinese national jailed, faces deportation for kicking cat to death
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                    [url] => https://interaksyon.philstar.com/trends-spotlights/2025/03/13/293270/chinese-national-kicked-cat-death-jailed-deportation/
                    [description] => Trigger Warning: Content features descriptions of animal cruelty  The Chinese national who kicked a community cat to death in the Ayala Triangle Gardens (ATG) is now detained and set to be deported back to his country following his crime. The Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS) on Wednesday, March 13, announced that Shan Jiang had been arrested on […] The post Chinese national jailed, faces deportation for kicking cat to death appeared first on Interaksyon.
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                    [title] => Duterte takes responsibility for Philippines drug war, anticipates long ICC battle
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                    [url] => https://interaksyon.philstar.com/politics-issues/2025/03/13/293269/duterte-takes-responsibility-drug-war-long-icc-battle/
                    [description] => MANILA — Former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said he takes full responsibility for his administration’s “war on drugs”, in a video message posted on his Facebook account, as he braces for a legal battle at the International Criminal Court. “Whatever happened in the past, I will be the front of our law enforcement and the military. […] The post Duterte takes responsibility for Philippines drug war, anticipates long ICC battle appeared first on Interaksyon.
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                    [date] => 1741834570
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                    [title] => Duterte takes responsibility for Philippines drug war, anticipates long ICC battle By Reuters
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                    [description] => Duterte takes responsibility for Philippines drug war, anticipates long ICC battle By Reuters  Investing.com
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                    [iso] => PH
                    [title] => ICC takes Duterte into custody to face murder charges for drug war killings
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                    [url] => https://interaksyon.philstar.com/politics-issues/2025/03/13/293263/icc-duterte-custody-murder-charges-drug-war-killings/
                    [description] => Duterte detained in Manila amid ICC probe into drugs war Ex-leader received medical attention during Dubai layover Duterte could be first Asian ex-head of state tried at ICC Duterte has been “surrendered” to the court — ICC statement ROTTERDAM — Former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte was taken into custody by the International Criminal Court on Wednesday […] The post ICC takes Duterte into custody to face murder charges for drug war killings appeared first on Interaksyon.
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                    [sentiment] => 0
                    [date] => 1741830646
                    [extra] => 0

            [17] => Array
                    [iso] => PH
                    [title] => Philippines’ Duterte is bound for ICC’s Hague jail with spartan cells and spiritual advisers
                    [sha] => 3603685599
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                    [description] => Philippines’ Duterte is bound for ICC’s Hague jail with spartan cells and spiritual advisers  The Japan Times
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                    [title] => Philippines’ Duterte Is Bound for ICC’s Hague Jail With Spartan Cells, Spiritual Advisers
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                    [description] => MANILA — Former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte is on a plane bound for The Hague in the Netherlands, the Philippine Star posted on X social media, citing confirmation from a senior police official. READ: Duterte seen boarding jet in Manila, ABS-CBN News reports | ‘They took dad from us, put him on a plane’, Kitty Duterte says Reuters […] The post Duterte headed to The Hague, Philippine Star reports, citing police appeared first on Interaksyon.
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                    [description] => AMSTERDAM — The International Criminal Court has issued an arrest warrant for former Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte for crimes against humanity committed during his deadly war on drugs, a source at the court told Reuters on Tuesday. The ICC warrant seen by Reuters accuses Duterte of criminal responsibility for the murder of at least 43 people between 2011 and […] The post ICC issued arrest warrant for Duterte over 43 murders, document shows appeared first on Interaksyon.
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                    [description] => Former Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte arrested over accusations of crimes against humanity  CBS News
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                    [title] => What happened in Philippine drug war that led to Rodrigo Duterte's arrest?
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                    [description] => What happened in Philippine drug war that led to Rodrigo Duterte's arrest?  Reuters
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                    [title] => Factbox: What is the International Criminal Court that prompted Duterte’s arrest?
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                    [url] => https://interaksyon.philstar.com/politics-issues/2025/03/11/293168/factbox-what-is-the-international-criminal-court-that-prompted-dutertes-arrest/
                    [description] => THE HAGUE — Following a request from the International Criminal Court (ICC), the Philippines arrested former President Rodrigo Duterte due to an investigation into thousands of killings in a violent crackdown on drugs that was the hallmark of his rule. READ: Duterte arrested at ICC’s request over ‘drugs war’, government says | Duterte arrives back in Manila, local media report Here are some […] The post Factbox: What is the International Criminal Court that prompted Duterte’s arrest? appeared first on Interaksyon.
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                    [date] => 1741691602
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                    [title] => Former Philippines President Duterte arrested over ICC warrant for drug killings
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                    [description] => Former Philippines President Duterte arrested over ICC warrant for drug killings  ABC St. Louis
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            [66] => Array
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                    [title] => Lawyer petitions Supreme Court to stop authorities from helping ICC
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                    [url] => https://interaksyon.philstar.com/politics-issues/2025/03/11/293165/lawyer-petitions-supreme-court-to-stop-authorities-from-helping-icc/
                    [description] => MANILA — A lawyer in the Philippines said on Tuesday he had filed a petition with the Supreme Court on behalf of ex-President Rodrigo Duterte and his former police chief seeking to compel authorities to stop cooperating with the International Criminal Court. Lawyer Israelito Torreon confirmed to Reuters the petition had been filed. It came after the […] The post Lawyer petitions Supreme Court to stop authorities from helping ICC appeared first on Interaksyon.
                    [category] => 5
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                    [date] => 1741690925
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            [67] => Array
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                    [title] => Politics behind Duterte’s bombshell arrest in the Philippines
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                    [description] => Politics behind Duterte’s bombshell arrest in the Philippines  Asia Times
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                    [title] => Duterte arrest in Philippines: what is the International Criminal Court that prompted it?
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                    [description] => Duterte arrest in Philippines: what is the International Criminal Court that prompted it?  Reuters
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                    [description] => Video Former Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte arrested on ICC warrant  ABC News
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                    [title] => Former Philippine leader Duterte arrested on ICC warrant over drug killings
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                    [description] => Former Philippine leader Duterte arrested on ICC warrant over drug killings  Euronews
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            [71] => Array
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                    [title] => Arrest of Rodrigo Duterte for “War on Drugs” in the Philippines
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                    [description] => Arrest of Rodrigo Duterte for “War on Drugs” in the Philippines  Opinio Juris
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                    [title] => Former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte arrested over ICC warrant for crimes against humanity
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                    [description] => Former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte arrested over ICC warrant for crimes against humanity  CNNFormer Philippine president Rodrigo Duterte arrested under ICC warrant  The Washington PostPhilippines’ Ex-President Duterte Arrested Under I.C.C. Warrant  The New York TimesArrest of Former Philippines President Duterte Tests Divisive Legacy of War on Drugs  The Wall Street JournalPhilippines' ex-President Rodrigo Duterte arrested at ICC's request over 'drugs war' killings  ReutersPhilippines on edge at prospect of arrest of ex-President Duterte over drug war  YahooFormer President Rodrigo Duterte arrested in the Philippines on an ICC warrant over drug killings  The Associated Press
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            [73] => Array
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                    [title] => Bishops say Duterte arrest a step toward accountability, justice
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                    [description] => Some Catholic bishops expressed hope that the arrest of former President Rodrigo Duterte marks a step toward accountability and sets a precedent for addressing human rights violations in the country. READ: Duterte arrested at ICC’s request over ‘drugs war’, government says | Factbox: What happened in Philippine drug war that led to Duterte’s arrest? Bishop Jose Colin Bagaforo […] The post Bishops say Duterte arrest a step toward accountability, justice appeared first on Interaksyon.
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            [74] => Array
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                    [title] => Former Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte arrested after ICC charge of 'crime against humanity of murder'
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                    [description] => Former Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte arrested after ICC charge of 'crime against humanity of murder'  Fortune
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            [76] => Array
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                    [title] => Bato dela Rosa trends as public searches for him after Duterte’s arrest
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                    [url] => https://interaksyon.philstar.com/politics-issues/2025/03/11/293124/bato-dela-rosa-trends-updates-duterte-arrest/
                    [description] => Sen. Ronald “Bato” dela Rosa, touted as the architect of former president Rodrigo Duterte’s “War on Drugs” campaign, trended on X (formerly Twitter) as the public searched for him following Duterte’s arrest based on the International Criminal Court’s warrant. READ: Factbox: What happened in Philippine drug war that led to Duterte’s arrest? The former president […] The post Bato dela Rosa trends as public searches for him after Duterte’s arrest appeared first on Interaksyon.
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                    [date] => 1741682652
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            [77] => Array
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                    [title] => Ex Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte is arrested at airport for crimes against humanity for his infamous w
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                    [description] => Ex Philippines president Rodrigo Duterte is arrested at airport for crimes against humanity for his infamous w  Daily Mail
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                    [description] => Who is Philippines' Rodrigo Duterte and why was he arrested?  Hindustan Times
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                    [title] => Philippines’ Former President Rodrigo Duterte Arrested After ICC Warrant
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                    [description] => Philippines’ Former President Rodrigo Duterte Arrested After ICC Warrant  Forbes
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                    [title] => Philippines’ Former President Rodrigo Duterte Arrested After ICC Warrant—What To Know
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                    [description] => Philippines’ Former President Rodrigo Duterte Arrested After ICC Warrant—What To Know  Forbes
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                    [title] => Factbox: What happened in Philippine drug war that led to Duterte’s arrest?
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                    [description] => MANILA — Former Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte was arrested and taken into custody on Tuesday in Manila on an International Criminal Court warrant for the “war on drugs” that defined his term in office and which killed thousands of Filipinos. READ: Duterte arrested at ICC’s request over ‘drugs war’, government says | Duterte arrives back in Manila, local media […] The post Factbox: What happened in Philippine drug war that led to Duterte’s arrest? appeared first on Interaksyon.
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                    [description] => Former President Rodrigo Duterte arrested in the Philippines on an ICC warrant over drug killings  News-Press Now
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