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                    [title] => Israel recieves sign of life of hostage Avinatan Or from released hostage testimony
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                    [description] => Israel recieves sign of life of hostage Avinatan Or from released hostage testimony  The Jerusalem Post
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                    [title] => Israel recieves sign of life from hostage Avinatan Or from released hostage testimony
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                    [description] => Israel recieves sign of life from hostage Avinatan Or from released hostage testimony  The Jerusalem Post
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                    [title] => Israel received a sign of life of Avinatan Or from former hostages
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                    [description] => Israel received a sign of life of Avinatan Or from former hostages - report  The Jerusalem Post
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                    [title] => Families of Israeli hostages met with Catholic support during D.C. visit
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                    [title] => Trump’s hostage envoy visited Iraq to push for release of Israeli captive — sources
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                    [description] => Israel slams US hostage envoy after he described Hamas as a “bunch of nice guys”  Peoples Dispatch
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                    [title] => What the US can learn about hostages from Israel: No one left behind – analysis
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                    [description] => What the US can learn about hostages from Israel: No one left behind – analysis  The Jerusalem Post
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                    [title] => ‘Netanyahu is afraid to lose power’: Mother of hostage Nimrod Cohen blasts Israeli leadership
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                    [description] => ‘Netanyahu is afraid to lose power’: Mother of hostage Nimrod Cohen blasts Israeli leadership  The Jerusalem Post
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                    [title] => ‘US not an agent of Israel’: Trump envoy defends direct talks with Hamas for US hostage release
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                    [description] => ‘US not an agent of Israel’: Trump envoy defends direct talks with Hamas for US hostage release  The Economic Times
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                    [title] => Meet Adam Boehler, Trump’s complacent, confused and dangerously naive hostage envoy
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                    [title] => 'Trump a bigger Israeli patriot than Netanyahu' for effort to free hostages, families say
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                    [title] => Israeli negotiators to head to Qatar for latest Gaza hostage
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                    [description] => Israel cuts electricity supply to Gaza and vows to use 'all tools available' to free last of Hamas hostages  New York Post
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                    [title] => March 9: Talks with Hamas focused on all hostages, not just Americans, Trump envoy says
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                    [title] => Israel to cut off electricity to Gaza amid 'limited' progress in hostage deal talks
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                    [description] => Israel to cut off electricity to Gaza amid 'limited' progress in hostage deal talks  The Jerusalem Post
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                    [title] => Talks with Hamas focused on all hostages, not just Americans, Trump envoy says
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                    [title] => Israel to send delegation to Doha for talks, Israelis demonstrate for the return of hostages
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                    [description] => Israel to send delegation to Doha for talks, Israelis demonstrate for the return of hostages  The Jerusalem Post
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                    [iso] => IL
                    [title] => 'Freedom Has No Price': Released Hostages Demand Government Seal Full Cease
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                    [description] => 'Freedom Has No Price': Released Hostages Demand Government Seal Full Cease-fire Deal  Haaretz
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                    [title] => During meeting with freed hostages, Trump said to have repeatedly asked about public support in Israel for continued deal
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                    [description] => During meeting with freed hostages, Trump said to have repeatedly asked about public support in Israel for continued deal  The Times of Israel
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                    [title] => Hamas rejects Trump ultimatum and says it will only free hostages in return for lasting truce – as it happened
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                    [description] => Hamas rejects Trump ultimatum and says it will only free hostages in return for lasting truce – as it happened  The Guardian
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                    [title] => Trump issues new ultimatum for Hamas to release Israeli hostages
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                    [title] => To Save the Hostages, Israel Must Move on Stage 2 of the Gaza Cease
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                    [title] => Brother of freed Israeli hostage says Hamas captors ate full meals and laughed as he was starved
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                    [description] => Israel mourns Bibas family as Hamas signals breakthrough on hostages  ReutersHamas: Deal reached for ‘simultaneous’ release of 4 slain hostages, Palestinian prisoners  The Times of IsraelThe Hostage I Knew  The Atlantic
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                    [description] => Israeli source denies Arab media claim that Hamas will release two slain hostages  The Jerusalem Post
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                    [title] => Israeli hostage Avera Mengistu released after 10 years reunited with family
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                    [title] => Hamas Releases 6 Israeli Hostages in Latest Exchange: Live Updates
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                    [description] => Hamas Releases 6 Israeli Hostages in Latest Exchange: Live Updates  The New York Times
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                    [title] => Hamas releases 6 Israeli hostages promised under first stage of cease
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                    [description] => Hamas releases 6 Israeli hostages promised under first stage of cease-fire deal  New York Post
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                    [title] => Here Are the Hostages Returned to Israel by Hamas So Far, Including Remains of a Mother and Her Sons
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                    [description] => Here Are the Hostages Returned to Israel by Hamas So Far, Including Remains of a Mother and Her Sons  TIME
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                    [title] => Hamas frees first 5 of 6 Israeli hostages in the latest exchange
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                    [description] => Joy and mourning as five Israeli hostages are released from Gaza  The Washington Post
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                    [title] => Hamas Frees Six Hostages in Latest Exchange With Israel, But Questions Cloud Cease
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                    [description] => Hamas Frees Six Hostages in Latest Exchange With Israel, But Questions Cloud Cease-Fire’s Future  TIME
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                    [title] => Red Cross vehicles arrive in central Gaza for further release of Israeli hostages
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                    [description] => Red Cross vehicles arrive in central Gaza for further release of Israeli hostages  The Associated Press
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                    [iso] => IL
                    [title] => Gaza militants release Israeli hostages, some dazed others elated
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                    [description] => Gaza militants release Israeli hostages, some dazed others elated  FRANCE 24 English
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