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A cosmic Jackson Pollock: Kathleen Kennedy’s Star Wars tenure has been marked by chaos | Ben Child

The reportedly outgoing Lucasfilm president has brought a raft of new movies to the sci-fi franchise but some plans have crashed and the narrative has the look of random splashingIf the reports are true, and Kathleen Kennedy is to step down as president of Lucasfilm, it is possible to look back on her near 13-year reign over the Star Wars movies and wonder how one person managed to oversee an entire industry of sci-fi fantasy dreams, decrees and doomed announcements that always seemed to fall apart as quickly as they were constructed. Like any of the Death Stars that have permeated these films, Kennedy’s apparently well-constructed visions for future episodes always seemed to be blown to smithereens just as they were about to take over the Hollywood nebula. From Josh Trank’s mysteriously vanished Boba Fett film to Patty Jenkins’ Rogue Squadron crash-landing before takeoff, her time at the helm of Lucasfilm will be marked by vast, ambitious projects that promised to be “fully operati...

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