A un día de la mazamorra, la comunidad Andavilque del municipio de Llallagua, departamento de Potosí, presenta al menos unas 40 viviendas sepultadas por la mazamorra, según un reporte del Viceministerio de Defensa Civil. De acuerdo con Azucena Fuertes Mamani, Asambleísta Legislativa Departamental por Unidad Nacional (UN) la tragedia ocurrida en Llallagua no es un […] La entrada Al menos 40 viviendas quedaron bajo la mazamorra en Llallagua se publicó primero en El Diario - Bolivia.
A mudslide in Llallagua, Bolivia, caused by the collapse of the K’enko lagoon and the subsequent dragging of environmental liabilities, buried at least 40 homes in the Andavilque community. The disaster affected approximately 800 communities, displaced over 23,000 families, killed 1,000 livestock, flooded 70 homes, damaged 24 road sections, contaminated nine drinking water systems, destroyed half a dozen schools, and left two people missing, one of whom was found dead. The incident could have been prevented if the Mining Corporation of Bolivia (Comibol) had taken preventative measures. Aid is being sent to Llallagua from La Paz.