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Alles dreht sich: Diese Neuheiten gibt es in deutschen Freizeitparks

Überschläge steuern, Detektiv spielen, Döner-Karussell fahren: Die Freizeitparks starten mit neuen Attraktionen in die Saison. Zwischen Action und Absurdität ist für jeden Geschmack etwas dabei.

German amusement parks are opening the season with new attractions, including the "Gozimba" rollercoaster at a North German safari park, an animated film featuring Europa-Park's mascots, a Döner-themed attraction at Karls Erlebnis-Dörfer near Berlin, a chicken coop-themed swing, and a farm-themed playground. A combination rollercoaster and wild water attraction and a new free-swinging swing are coming in 2025. Another park will open a "Wildswing" pendulum that does not swing around it's own axis, but swings 12 meters high.

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