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Angelobung am 3. März? ÖVP, SPÖ und Neos feilen weiter an Dreierkoalition

Ziel ist es, Mitte der Woche das gemeinsame Regierungsprogramm zu präsentieren. Der frühestmögliche Termin für die Angelobung der neuen Regierung wäre der nächste Montag.

ÖVP, SPÖ, and Neos are negotiating a three-way coalition government, aiming to present their program mid-week and potentially be sworn in on March 3rd, pending Neos member approval. Neos members will vote on the coalition on Sunday. Minister assignments are being discussed, with Neos likely getting two ministries, and ÖVP's Karner, Tanner, and Totschnig possibly retaining their posts. Christian Stocker is expected to be Chancellor, while Babler is slated for Vice-Chancellor, with Hergovich, Schumann, Angelo and Wrabetz as favorites for key SPÖ posts. The SPÖ may or may not get the Justice Ministry. The ÖVP party leader has considerable power in choosing ministers.

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