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Bildung im Wahlkampf: Wie die Parteien das deutsche System umkrempeln wollen

Die Kultusministerkonferenz soll weg, selbst an der Schulpflicht wird gerüttelt: In ihren Wahlprogrammen stellen die Parteien teils umwälzende Änderungen für das Schulsystem in Aussicht. Der Überblick.

The article discusses how German political parties are proposing significant changes to the education system during the election campaign. Key points include: - The SPD and Greens aim to invest in education, with the Greens proposing a "National Education Pact" and the SPD focusing on equity for children of different backgrounds. - The FDP wants to abolish the Kultusministerkonferenz (KMK) and replace it with a federal education council. - The Left Party proposes abolishing homework and the multi-tier school system, while the AfD's influence on education policy is a growing concern. - Education has become a central issue in the election, with parties presenting various plans to reform the system.

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