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Călin Georgescu atacă la Curtea Constituțională decizia BEC, anunță Reuters

Călin Georgescu va contesta la Curtea Constituțională a României decizia Biroului Electoral Central prin care i-a fost respinsă candidatura la alegerile prezidențiale din luna mai, a declarat luni unul dintre consilierii candidatului independent, susținut de…

Călin Georgescu, independent candidate supported by AUR and POT whose presidential candidacy was rejected by the Central Electoral Bureau (BEC), will challenge the decision in the Constitutional Court. The BEC rejected his candidacy due to previous Constitutional Court rulings regarding electoral fraud and the need for candidates to respect democratic rules. Following the decision, protests occurred, including the overturning of a TV station's car, and police opened an investigation. The Constitutional Court will make the final decision on his candidacy.

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