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Daiva Ulbinaitė. Informacinio karo fone – apynasris žurnalistams?

Informacinio karo lauke užvirė naujos kovos. Melagienų ir dezinformacijos srautas toks didelis, kad ne tik paprastam žmogui, bet ir diplomatams vis sunkiau susigaudyti, kur melas, kur tiesa. Melu užtaisyti sviediniai skrieja jau ne tik iš Rytų, bet ir iš už Atlanto. 

Daiva Ulbinaitė discusses challenges for journalists in the context of information warfare. Global news highlights include Israel evacuating 40,000 Palestinians from three West Bank camps. In sports, Lithuania dominates the 10m air rifle shooting championship. Local news in Lithuania mentions three large Putin posters in Vilnius, referencing the ongoing war in Ukraine. In history, a Uruguayan of Lithuanian descent visits Lithuania, feeling at home. Opinions include comments on the cost of war and whether war benefits nature. Lifestyle notes Giedrė Žalytė's take on how lack of love affects self-image. Science and tech discuss microplastics ingested through plastic bags. Global news also mentions Trump's promise to visit Poland. Athletics news highlights Lithuania's record-breaking performance. A survey shows increased public trust in Paluck. Lastly, a proposal to revoke fishing rights after certain damages is discussed.

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