WATCH: Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre explains how Prime Minister Mark Carney has no excuse not to join the French language TVA debate. What do YOU think? Tell us your thoughts in the comment section below or send us a Letter to the Editor for possible publication to Letters must be 250 words or less […] Transport
After Carney said he would not attend the debate, Quebec broadcaster TVA cancelled the event Transport
Liberal Leader agreed, then backed out of televised TVA French-lanugage debate Culture
Top Liberal has faced scrutiny for his French skills, particularly during party's leadership race Culture
Le chef libéral Mark Carney s’est engagé à participer au débat Face-à-Face de TVA après avoir été mis au défi de s’y rendre par Pierre Poilievre. Culture
MONTREAL — If the four main federal political parties want to take part in the TVA network’s head-to-head French-language debate in the upcoming election campaign, they will have to shell out $75,000 each. The Quebecor-owned television network says it needs cash to offset the costs of producing the Face-a-Face debate, which is divided into segments […] Culture