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Deutsches Literaturarchiv erwirbt Kafkas „Brief an den Vater“

In seinem berühmten „Brief an den Vater“ schreibt Franz Kafka über Entfremdung und Übermächtigkeit. Abgeschickt hat er ihn nie. Jetzt konnte ihn das Deutsche Literaturarchiv aus privater Hand erwerben.

The Literaturarchiv Marbach acquired Franz Kafka's "Brief an den Vater" with support from cultural foundations, adding it to their collection and featuring it in the "Kafkas Echo" exhibition. The 103-page manuscript explores Kafka's complex relationship with his father, Hermann Kafka, discussing themes of alienation and power dynamics. Written but never sent, the letter remained unknown until after Kafka's death. This acquisition enriches the archive's existing Kafka collection, including works like "Der Process" and letters to Milena Jesenská.

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