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Dujić: Dabro je sam odgovoran za svoje postupke, njegove izjave su neutemeljene

Donedavni predsjednik Uprave Hrvatskih šuma Nediljko Dujić kazao je u ponedjeljak da bivši ministar poljoprivrede Josip Dabro “sam snosi odgovornost za svoje postupke”, a neutemeljenima je ocijenio izjave o tome da se objavom fotografija i videozapisa želi skrenuti […] Objava Dujić: Dabro je sam odgovoran za svoje postupke, njegove izjave su neutemeljene pojavila se prvi puta na Novi list.

Nediljko Dujić, former head of Croatian Forests (Hrvatski šume), criticized Josip Dabro, the former Minister of Agriculture, accusing him of being responsible for his own actions and stating that Dabro's claims about diverting attention from the management of Croatian Forests through the publication of photos and videos are unfounded. Dabro, during a press conference, presented a document signed by Dujić from July 24, 2022, indicating that Croatian Forests suffered losses of 160 million euros due to a storm in 2023. Dujić responded that Dabro is manipulating facts and spreading misinformation, adding that Dabro's inconsistency is evident in the case of a Kalashnikov rifle, which Dabro initially claimed he was unaware of but later stated he found after his father's death and handed over to a third party. Dujić emphasized that such weapons should be reported to the appropriate authorities. The government dismissed Dujić from his position as head of Croatian Forests at the beginning of the month.

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