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EE.UU. amenaza a Maduro con “nuevas sanciones duras” si no acepta a venezolanos deportados

Estados Unidos amenazó este martes a Venezuela con “nuevas sanciones duras” si su presidente, Nicolás Maduro, no acepta a “sus ciudadanos repatriados” y le advirtió que no es un tema negociable.

The U.S. is threatening Venezuela with "new tough sanctions" if Nicolás Maduro does not accept deported Venezuelan citizens. This stems from the U.S. discontent with Maduro's reluctance to accept repatriation flights. The U.S. also sent Venezuelans to El Salvador to be incarcerated, invoking a 1798 war law against the Tren de Aragua. Maduro is seeking UN protection for Venezuelans sent by the U.S. and denounces their treatment.

today 4 h. ago attach_file Politics

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