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Șefa Procuraturii Anticorupție din Republica Moldova demisionează și acuză guvernarea: „Un atac asupra sistemului de justiție”/ PAS invocă „lipsa de rezultate”

Veronica Dragalin, șefa Procuraturii Anticorupție din Republica Moldova, și-a anunțat demisia pe Facebook acuzând partidul de guvernământ de „un atac asupra sistemului de justiție”, după ce un grup de parlamentari a depus un proiect de…

Veronica Dragalin, the head of Moldova's Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office, has resigned, accusing the government of attacking the justice system through a proposed law to dissolve her office. The government, led by Igor Grosu, argues that the office has failed to deliver results and that reforms are needed to strengthen it. Dragalin, who took office in 2022 after returning from the U.S., emphasized that her work could be undone by the legislation. The debate over the office's effectiveness continues, highlighting tensions between reform efforts and accusations of political interference.

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