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Șeful DNA, către cei tentați că încalce legea: „Nu rămâneți cu banii”. Horodniceanu nu a găsit corupții din justiție. Ce spune șeful MAI

Procurorul șef al DNA, Marius Voineag, a prezentat, joi, 27 februarie, bilanțul DNA pe anul 2024, subliniind că au început să se vadă rezultatele măsurilor luate în 2023.

The National Anticorruption Directorate (DNA) chief, Marius Voineag, emphasized that those tempted to commit crimes will not retain their ill-gotten gains, highlighting increased efforts to recover illegal assets. DNA has become more attractive due to improved recruitment, handling 2,379 new cases in 2024, up from 2,259 in 2023, with significant sums recovered. Meanwhile, Prosecutor Daniel Horodniceanu expressed doubt about the absence of corruption in the judiciary, noting that while files have disappeared, corruption may persist. Minister Cătălin Predoiu acknowledged progress but stressed the impossibility of recovering all illegal gains due to modern financial complexities.

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