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Einführung der Bezahlkarte für Flüchtlinge in Frankfurt mit Hindernissen

Vom 1. April an sollen Flüchtlinge auch in der Stadt Frankfurt kaum noch Bargeld erhalten. Stattdessen sollen sie ihre Ausgaben mit einer Bezahlkarte bestreiten. Die ersten Karten sind verteilt, doch die Technik dahinter funktioniert noch nicht.

Frankfurt is introducing a payment card for refugees to replace cash support, but technical issues have delayed its implementation. The cards, which were supposed to be operational by January, cannot yet be used due to a lack of a technical interface between Secupay and Care 4. The city expects the cards to be distributed by April. Currently, refugees in Frankfurt cannot use the cards despite their arrival. The payment card aims to prevent misuse of financial aid, but critics argue the 50-euro monthly cash limit is insufficient. The opposition in Hesse has protested against the measure. As of February, around 5,300 refugees are in Frankfurt, with 250 not eligible for the cards. The exact number of refugees receiving the cards remains unclear.

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