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El númberu de muertes sigue ganando por goleada al de nacencies: esti ye'l negru datu demográficu d'Asturies

Anque les nacencies xubieron como poques vegaes n'Asturies, el númberu de fallecimientos sigue siendo esfarrapante. En concretu y según datos publicaos esti día pol Institutu Nacional d'Estadística (INE), l'añu pasáu nel Principáu rexistráronse 4.550 partos frente a les 13.137 muertes. Eso da nun saldu vexetativu negativu de 8.587 persones, el tamañu d'habitantes del conceyu de Navia.

The number of deaths in Asturias continues to far exceed the number of births, highlighting a significant demographic challenge. In 2024, births increased by 0.1% compared to 2023, totaling 4,550, while deaths reached 13,137. This contrasts with neighboring Cantabria, where births rose by 13.3%. Nationally, Spain saw a 0.4% increase in births, with 322,034 births in 2024. However, the natural decrease (births minus deaths) was negative across most regions, except Madrid, Murcia, the Balearic Islands, Melilla, and Ceuta. Deaths decreased in 2024, particularly among men aged 5-29 (-6.1%) and women aged 85-89 (-6.0%).

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