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Elektroauto als Norm? Mehrheit in Deutschland unterstützt Verbrennerverbot, aber nicht unbedingt ab 2035

Viele Europäer von 18 bis 64 Jahren befürworten laut einer Umfrage ein Verbot für Verbrennungsmotoren in Pkw. Sie sind aber uneins, wann es kommen soll. Jüngere Menschen blicken vollkommen anders auf das Thema als ältere.

A survey conducted in Germany and other EU countries found that while a majority supports banning internal combustion engine vehicles, there is disagreement over the timeline, particularly the 2035 target set by the EU. In Germany, 34% of respondents oppose the ban outright, and 4% even support a ban on electric cars. However, over half of those surveyed do not oppose the ban in principle but question the timing. Younger respondents (18-24) are more supportive, with 44% backing the 2035 deadline, while older age groups (55-64) are less supportive, with 51% favoring a complete cancellation of the plan. The survey results are representative of age, gender, and region.

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