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Eleonora Dumitru, ”mama” lui Andrei Perneș de la Mireasa, reacție răvășitoare: ”A fost băiatul meu ”

Ziua de 19 februarie a adus o veste tragică pentru fanii emisiunii Mireasa. Andrei Perneș, finalist al sezonului 5, s-a stins din viață. Acesta a fost implicat într-un accident rutier, ce i-a fost fatal. A […]

Eleonora Dumitru, known as "mama" to Andrei Perneș from the TV show *Mireasa*, expressed her grief over his tragic death in a car accident at 28 years old. Andrei, a finalist from season 5, lost control of his vehicle, leading to his fatal injury. Eleonora, who formed a close bond with Andrei during the show, described the loss as a shock, compounded by a recent family tragedy. She shared her emotional struggle, emphasizing the profound impact of his death on her and his family.

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