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Energeticienii negociază cu Guvernul eliminarea unor prevederi din Ordonanța trenuleț

Federația Sindicatelor Libere Independente Energetica negociază cu reprezentanții Guvernului României eliminarea unor prevederi din Ordonanța trenuleț.

Energy sector workers in Romania are negotiating with the government to remove certain provisions from the "ordonanța trenuleț" (railway decree). The Federația Sindicatelor Libere Independente Energetica is leading the talks, with a meeting scheduled for February 18. The workers argue the decree violates collective agreements and the constitution, threatening a strike if their demands aren't met. Protests have also been staged by prison workers, police, and students, with a petition opposing the railway decree's impact on student transport discounts garnering over 35,000 signatures.

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