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Exclus de la base de données du ministère de tutelle: des enseignants crient à l’injustice!

Une trentaine d’enseignants, exclus de la base de données du ministère de l’Éducation et inscrits entre 2006 et 2008, ont dénoncé leur situation lors d’une conférence de presse organisée ce mercredi à Tunis. Ces enseignants, titulaires du diplôme d’enseignement et ayant exercé pendant des années en tant que suppléants, réclament leur réintégration ainsi que la … L’article Exclus de la base de données du ministère de tutelle: des enseignants crient à l’injustice! est apparu en premier sur La Presse de Tunisie.

A group of about 30 teachers, recruited between 2006 and 2008 and holding teaching diplomas, have been excluded from the Ministry of Education's database. These teachers, who have worked as substitutes for years, often in rural areas, have protested this exclusion, claiming it is unjust and without proper justification. They held a press conference in Tunis to denounce their situation. Basma Chahed, the coordinator of their movement, criticized the Ministry's decision as baseless and unreasonable. She emphasized that their integration would not pose significant financial challenges for the state and would instead recognize their contributions and the difficult conditions they have worked under. Chahed also noted that President Kaïs Saïed is likely unaware of this issue and that resolving it would not be a major problem. The group plans to continue its efforts until the Ministry responds positively and restores their rights.

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