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Familia de români care nu a mai ieșit din casă de 20 de ani. Cazul șocant care a determinat Poliția să intervină în forță

O familie din Botoșani a stat 20 de ani închisă într-un apartament. Este vorba despre o mamă și doi copii majori, cu tulburări psihice. Vecinii i-au reclamat fiindcă făceau scandal și amenințau că vor arunca în aer blocul. Poliția a intervenit, a spart ușa și i-a dus cu forța la psihiatrie.

A family from Botoșani, Romania, has been living in isolation in their apartment for 20 years, leading to a police intervention. The family, consisting of a 67-year-old woman and her two adult children (44 and 47 years old), reportedly suffered from severe mental health issues. The isolation began after the daughter failed her medical school exam, leading to emotional trauma. The mother stayed to support her, and the son joined them during the COVID-19 pandemic. Their father, who provided them with supplies, was unable to convince them to leave. After neighbors reported concerns, police broke into the apartment and took the family to a psychiatric hospital for treatment.

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