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Fiscal de la Nación revela que la presidenta Dina Boluarte tiene 34 denuncias en su contra

Tras negar cualquier persecución o acoso político, la fiscal de la Nación, Delia Espinoza, reveló este domingo que la presidenta Dina Boluarte tiene 34 denuncias presentadas en su contra.

The Fiscal de la Nación, Delia Espinoza, revealed that President Dina Boluarte has 34 complaints filed against her. Espinoza denied any political motivation or "soft coup" attempt, stating the Public Ministry is just fulfilling its constitutional duty to investigate alleged crimes. Boluarte accuses the Public Ministry of a "soft coup" and political persecution. Espinoza also addressed a potential 10-year ban from holding public office and accused the congress of being politically motivated.

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