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Fünf Jahre nach Anschlag in Hanau: „Der Friedhof ist unsere Wohnung geworden“

Vor fünf Jahren erschoss ein 43-Jähriger in Hanau neun Menschen aus rassistischen Motiven. Um der Ermordeten zu gedenken, kommen Angehörige, Hinterbliebene und Unterstützer zusammen. Der Schmerz ist größer denn je.

Five years after the far-right attack in Hanau, Germany, which claimed nine lives, questions remain about commemoration and justice. The victims, including Gökhan Gültekin, Sedat Gürbüz, and others, are remembered, but survivors and relatives express ongoing pain and frustration. Despite efforts to honor the victims, disputes over a monument and political responses persist. A commemoration event marked the anniversary, with critics highlighting the need for continued activism against racism. The attack has deeply impacted the community, fostering solidarity but also reigniting calls for accountability and societal change.

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