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Forțat de Comisia Europeană, Guvernul a semnat, înaintea plecării lui Ciolacu la Bruxelles, legea de eliminare din CA

Guvernul a adoptat, prin ordonanță de urgență, prevederi legale care să nu mai permită includerea demnitarilor în procedurile de selecție a Consiliilor de Administrație (CA) ale companiilor de stat, au declarat pentru Profit.ro surse guvernamentale.…

Romania's government, pressured by the European Commission, signed a law to remove sinecures from state company boards before Prime Minister Ciolacu departed for Brussels. MedLife expanded its healthcare network with new hospitals and advanced treatments, including robotic surgery. The text also touches on political developments in Germany and the U.S., but the primary focus is on Romania's legislative action and MedLife's investments.

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