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Forscher finden keinen Beleg für die Wirkung von Filterblasen bei Youtube

Ein Experiment widerspricht dem gängigen Vorwurf, dass die Videoplattform die Gesellschaft spaltet. Doch es gibt Zweifel an der Aussagekraft der Studie.

A study by researchers from Princeton and Harvard examined whether YouTube's algorithmic recommendations lead to radicalization. Using a YouTube-like platform, they tested nearly 9,000 U.S. participants with politically charged videos on topics like gun rights and minimum wage. The results, published in *PNAS*, showed that algorithmic recommendations had little to no effect on participants' political attitudes. However, expert Josephine Schmitt noted that the study's artificial setup may not fully reflect real-world YouTube usage, leaving open the possibility of long-term effects not captured in the experiment.

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