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(foto) Ce fotografie a publicat Andrei Spînu, pe care internauții o asociază cu victoria în „lupta cu Dragalin”

Fostul ministru al Infrastructurii, Andrei Spînu, și-a schimbat fotografia de copertă - calea către Moldova Europeană 2030. „Așa i-a demonstrat doamnei Dragalin cine a câștigat războiul. Dreptatea e în Groapa Marianelor”, a scris o internaută la postare.

Andrei Spînu, a former infrastructure minister, changed his profile photo, which some online users associated with victory in his legal battle against Veronica Dragalin. Dragalin, the head of the Anticorruption Prosecutor's Office (PA), resigned to prevent the dissolution of PA and the Specialized Prosecutor's Office for Organized Crime and Complex Cases (PCCOCS), proposed by the PAS party. PAS leader Igor Dodon criticized the government for sending Moldovan citizens to difficult jobs abroad while bringing foreign workers into the country with special treatment, even breaking citizenship laws. A parliamentary debate continues about merging PA and PCCOCS into a new office called Procuratura Anticorupție și Combaterea Crimei Organizate (PACCO). The Ministry of Justice proposed merging the offices or transferring certain cases to a specialized section within the General Prosecutor's Office, but PA argues there are no solid reasons to justify this merger.

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