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González y Machado desde la ONU: Los venezolanos no exigimos compasión, exigimos justicia

Edmundo González Urrutia aseguró que el Estado venezolano «busca presentar una imagen de cooperación, pero la realidad desmiente sus discursos». María Corina Machado invitó al Consejo de Derechos Humanos a «profundizar su labor» al tiempo que afirmó que «es hora […] The post González y Machado desde la ONU: Los venezolanos no exigimos compasión, exigimos justicia appeared first on TalCual.

Edmundo González and María Corina Machado addressed the UN Human Rights Council, urging international bodies to maintain cooperation in denouncing human rights violations in Venezuela. They requested justice, freedom, and continued support from the international community, highlighting the ongoing political repression and dire human rights situation, including political prisoners and persecution, which has worsened after recent elections. Machado called for international justice to advance, referencing the ICC investigation into alleged crimes against humanity.

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