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Grundschulen in Bayern: So zahlt das Ministerium Lehrern rechtswidrige Mehrarbeit zurück

In Grundschulen musste seit Sommer 2020 eine Stunde mehr pro Lehrkraft unterrichtet werden – bis der Verwaltungsgerichtshof das Modell kassiert hat. Nun gibt es ein neues Arbeitszeitkonto, Zeit soll sogar erstattet werden. Doch den Verbänden reicht das noch nicht.

Following a court ruling that deemed mandatory extra hours for Bavarian primary school teachers unlawful, the Bavarian Ministry of Education has introduced a new working time account to compensate teachers for excess hours worked since 2020. The new system, retroactive to the 2021/22 school year, allows teachers to accrue overtime for four years and then have a four-year period to reduce the hours, with teachers who worked extra hours in 2020/21 able to choose between payment, early reduction, or days off. The policy change follows a legal challenge supported by the Bavarian Teacher and Teacher's Association, prompted by concerns over excessive workload and staff shortages.

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