El jefe del Gabinete Ministerial, Gustavo Adrianzén, aseguró que le sorprende que sin un diálogo previo, haya sido convocado a una interpelación en el Congreso de la República por la crisis de seguridad que vive el país.
Prime Minister Gustavo Adrianzén expressed surprise at being summoned to Congress for an interpellation regarding the country's security crisis, stating he would have preferred a prior dialogue with legislator Edward Málaga. Adrianzén will attend the interpellation, which includes approximately 150 questions, despite the ongoing debate and vote on censorship motions against the Minister of the Interior, Juan José Santiváñez, and the Minister of Labor and Promotion of Employment. The interpellation document claims Adrianzén has failed to address the growing insecurity, evidenced by increasing homicides, extortions, and violent crimes.