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Heith Kellogg, emisarul lui Trump pentru Ucraina, dă asigurări că nimeni nu îi va impune un acord de pace lui Zelenski, „liderul ales al unei națiuni suverane”

Keith Kellogg, emisarul special al președintelui american Donald Trump pentru Ucraina și Rusia, a declarat luni că nimeni nu va impune Kievului un acord de pace și că întrebările cu privire la faptul dacă Washingtonul…

Keith Kellogg, special envoy for Ukraine and Russia under President Trump, has reassured that no one will impose a peace agreement on Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenski, emphasizing Zelenski's authority as the elected leader of a sovereign nation. Kellogg, who is set to meet Zelenski in Kyiv, stated that any peace deal must be Zelenski's decision. He also mentioned discussions with European allies about potential peacekeeping forces but noted that decisions on their involvement are pending. Kellogg highlighted the complexity of including all parties in peace talks and reaffirmed the U.S. commitment to Ukraine's sovereignty.

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