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À Herculanum, un cerveau transformé en verre par le nuage de cendres du Vésuve

Des chercheurs ont decouvert un cerveau humain vitrifie, preserve depuis l'eruption du Vesuve en 79 apres J.-C. Ce phenomene unique revele des conditions thermiques extremes et inedites.

A team of German and Italian researchers has discovered a vitrified human brain from the 79 AD eruption of Mount Vesuvius in Herculanum. The brain, found in a young man's skull at the Collegium Augustalium, was preserved due to rapid exposure to high temperatures followed by quick cooling. This unique preservation is unprecedented in Vesuvius eruption studies. The findings, published in *Scientific Reports*, highlight the extreme thermal conditions and provide insights into volcanic risk assessment.

today 8 h. ago attach_file Science

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