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Inicia el juicio de Pedro Castillo por el golpe de estado: las claves de la acusación, cuándo llegaría la sentencia y el riesgo que aún pesa sobre el proceso

Un nuevo expresidente peruano se sienta desde esta semana en el banquillo de los acusados. Las circunstancias del caso que lo lleva ante la justicia, sin embargo, no tienen precedentes.

Pedro Castillo's trial for his alleged coup attempt on December 7, 2022, begins with a Supreme Court hearing. He faces a 34-year prison sentence for rebellion, abuse of authority, and disturbing public peace. The prosecution, led by the Prosecutor's Office, will present evidence and request imprisonment for Castillo and six other defendants, including former ministers Betssy Chávez, Aníbal Torres, and Willy Huerta. The State Attorney General seeks S/ 65 million in civil reparations. The court, presided over by Judge Ángel Neyra Flores, with Norma Carbajal Chávez as the director of debates, will oversee the proceedings.

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