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Instituția condusă de Piedone anunță că a mai închis două benzinării și un fast

Comisarii Autorității Naționale pentru Protecția Consumatorului (ANPC) au continuat vineri controalele în București și au închis temporar activitatea a două benzinării și a unui fast-food, a transmis într-un comunicat de presă instituția condusă de fostul…

The National Authority for Consumer Protection (ANPC), led by Cristian Popescu Piedone, has temporarily closed two gas stations and a fast-food establishment in Bucharest due to violations of consumer protection regulations. At Rompetrol Downstream SRL and Petrom-OMV gas stations, issues such as non-compliant storage temperatures, improper food handling, and expired products were found. The fast-food chain Zola Food International SRL was also closed for violations including lack of proper safety equipment and non-compliant food storage. Fines totaling 70,000 lei were imposed, and 4.6 kg of unsafe food products were seized.

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