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Život Genea Hackmana obilježilo je teško djetinjstvo i odlazak u marince sa 16 godina

Šokantna vijest stgla je dan nakon smrti glumice Michelle Trachtenberg. Dvostruki dobitnik Oscara i pisac Gene Hackman pronađen je mrtav zajedno sa svojom suprugom Betsy Arakawa. Djetinjstvo su mu obilježili su tragični događaji, odrastao je u teškim okolnostima, ali su njegov mladenački bunt i želja za uspjehom bili presudni za kasniji proboj u glumački svijet

Gene Hackman, a renowned American actor, experienced a challenging childhood marked by his parents' divorce at age 13 and his father's departure, which deeply affected him. At 16, he enlisted in the U.S. Marine Corps, serving for four and a half years. After his military service, he pursued acting, achieving significant success with roles in films such as *Bonnie and Clyde*, *The French Connection*, and *Superman*. He won two Oscars, became a prominent Hollywood figure, and had a prolific career spanning over six decades. Hackman was married twice and, alongside his wife Betsy Arakawa, was found deceased in their home, though the cause of their deaths remains unknown.

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