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Jadwal Buka Puasa Surabaya dan 6 Daerah Jatim Lainnya Hari Ini, 1 Maret 2025

jatim.jpnn.com, SURABAYA - Kementerian Agama RI Direktorat Jenderal Bimbingan Masyarakat Islam merilis jadwal buka puasa Surabaya dan daerah sekitar selama Ramadan 2025.

The article provides the schedule for breaking the fast (buka puasa) in Surabaya and six other areas in East Java (Jatim) on March 1, 2025. The schedule was released by the Ministry of Religious Affairs. The Magrib and Isya times for each city are as follows: Surabaya (Magrib 17:52, Isya 19:01), Sidoarjo (Magrib 17:52, Isya 19:01), Gresik (Magrib 17:52, Isya 19:01), Malang (Magrib 17:53, Isya 19:02), Kediri (Magrib 17:55, Isya 19:04), Jember (Magrib 17:48, Isya 18:58), and Jombang (Magrib 17:54, Isya 19:03). The article was published on JPNN.com Jatim.

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