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Japan setzt neues Emissionsziel: 73 Prozent weniger CO2 bis 2040

2023 bezog Japan fast 70 Prozent seiner Energie aus Kohle-, Gas- und Ölkraftwerken. Jetzt hat sich das Land neue Emissionsziele gesetzt und will auch Atomkraft künftig weiter reduzieren.

Japan has set a new emissions target to reduce CO2 by 73% by 2040, aligning with the Paris Agreement's 1.5-degree goal. In 2023, nearly 70% of Japan's energy came from coal, gas, and oil. The country plans to further reduce its reliance on nuclear power, which contributed only 8.5% of energy in 2023 due to challenges following the 2011 Fukushima disaster. Critics, including environmental organizations, argue the targets are insufficient, with calls for deeper reductions of 78% or even 81% by 2035. Japan aims to develop next-generation reactors, such as fusion reactors, as part of its energy strategy.

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