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Jenseits von Ukraine und Nahost: Diese Krisen kommen auf die nächste Bundesregierung zu

Die Kriege in der Ukraine und in Nahost hatten bereits immense Auswirkungen auf Deutschland: Mit welchen Konflikten weltweit wird die nächste Bundesregierung darüber hinaus konfrontiert sein? Eine Übersicht über Krisen, die die deutsche Politik beschäftigen dürften.

The next German federal government will face various global crises, including conflicts in Asia and Africa, such as those involving North Korea's support for Russia in the Ukraine war, and instability in regions like the Horn of Africa, including Sudan, Somalia, and Yemen. Additionally, the government will need to address the aftermath of high refugee influxes and rising food and energy prices caused by geopolitical tensions. There are calls for Germany to assume a more proactive role in international affairs, particularly in supporting the United Nations and protecting global norms. Among the largest aid recipients are Ukraine, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Jordan, Ethiopia, the West Bank and Gaza, Sudan, Nigeria, Yemen, Afghanistan, and South Sudan.

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