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Kad bi se ovom tunelu nešto dogodilo, slomila bi se kičma Amerike: Zidovi su mu napukli, voda prodire

Sjeveroistočni koridor (Northeast Corridor), najvažnija i najprometnija putnička željeznička pruga u SAD-u, godinama je simbol i snage, ali i slabosti američke infrastrukture. Proteže se od Washingtona do Bostona, prolazi kroz Baltimore, Philadelphiju i New York, a svakoga dana njome se vozi više od 800.000 ljudi i prometuje 2000 vlakova. Ova pruga nije samo prometna arterija – ona je oslonac regije koja generira petinu američkog BDP-a i trećinu svih radnih mjesta

The Northeast Corridor, a vital US railway connecting major cities from Washington to Boston, is aging and riddled with infrastructure issues. A critical tunnel under the Hudson River is particularly vulnerable. Despite the high volume of passengers and economic importance, much of the infrastructure is over a century old, causing delays and disruptions. Significant investments are planned to repair and upgrade tunnels, bridges, and stations along the corridor, including the Hudson River tunnel, to improve speeds and efficiency by 2035.

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