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Kako su izgledali posljednji dani Gabby Petito: Izvana 'van life' iz snova, a iza kulisa

Trebala je to biti avantura života za 22-godišnju Gabby Petito i njezina zaručnika Briana Laundrieja. Nadahnuti objavama na društvenim mrežama, koje su prikazivale glamurozan život na cesti, par je 2021. kupio kombi da bi putovali Amerikom, željni istraživanja prirodnih ljepota zemlje. Planirali su četiri mjeseca boraviti u brojnim nacionalnim parkovima dok bi Petito vodila blog i kanal na YouTubeu da bi dokumentirala njihovo putovanje. Međutim odmor iz snova završio je tragedijom

Gabby Petito and Brian Laundrie were a couple who embarked on a van life adventure across the United States, documenting their travels on social media and through a YouTube channel. Their journey took a tragic turn when Gabby went missing after a dispute. The police investigation led to the discovery of her body in Wyoming. Brian was later found dead in a forest, with a note claiming he killed her, though the autopsy revealed different circumstances. Brian's parents were sued by Gabby's family, resulting in a $3 million settlement.

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