Das Geld werde dabei helfen, beschädigte Infrastruktur wieder aufzubauen, teilt EU-Kommissionschefin von der Leyen mit.
* The Czech President Pavel was in Odessa during a drone attack, discussing regional security with Ukrainian representatives.
* Germany approved a multi-billion Euro aid package for Ukraine, including an additional 3 billion Euros for this year and 8.3 billion Euros planned until 2029.
* Ukraine reported being attacked by 214 Russian drones, with 81 lost to electronic warfare.
* Macron is hosting a new Ukraine summit to finalize support for Ukrainian forces and define European security guarantees.
* EU leaders are focused on strengthening Europe's defense readiness, with plans to mobilize 800 billion Euros for defense in the next four years and relax regulations for the arms industry. The EU Commission considers it necessary to prepare for a large-scale war with Russia.