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Le Sénat adopte une proposition de loi pour interdire le port de signes religieux dans les compétitions sportives

La Chambre haute a adopté, mardi, à 210 voix contre 81, un texte porté par le sénateur LR Michel Savin avec le soutien appuyé du gouvernement, qui prohibe, notamment, le port du voile dans les compétitions sportives, y compris au niveau amateur.

The French Senate has approved a bill proposed by Senator Michel Savin of the LR party, which prohibits the wearing of religious symbols, including the hijab, in sports competitions, including amateur events. The bill, supported by the government, passed with 210 votes in favor and 81 against. It aims to reinforce secularism in sports, with the government emphasizing the importance of neutrality in public spaces. Critics, particularly from the left, argue that the bill stigmatizes Muslim women and may violate the 1905 law on laïcité. Additionally, the bill extends to banning the use of public sports facilities for religious purposes and requires swimming pools to enforce secular dress codes. The bill now awaits review by the National Assembly.

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