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Legea 'fugarilor' a fost promulgată. Cum vor fi pedepsiți cei care fug de răspunderea penală

Președintele interimar Ilie Bolojan a promulgat, vineri, legea potrivit căreia se consideră evadare și fapta persoanelor condamnate la pedeapsa cu închisoarea de a nu se prezenta la organul de Poliție în vederea punerii în executare a mandatului.

The "Fugitives Law" was promulgated by interim President Ilie Bolojan, amending the Penal Code to consider it evasion if a convicted person doesn't report to the police to begin serving their prison sentence within seven days of the final court decision. This law, which was challenged and then upheld by the Constitutional Court (CCR), also defines evasion as unjustified absence from detention, unauthorized departure from a workplace outside the detention facility, and violations of house arrest conditions.

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