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Liveticker: Esken geht von wenigen Abweichlern bei der SPD aus

Söder versichert Zustimmung aus Bayern zu Finanzpaket +++ Haushaltsausschuss empfiehlt Annahme von Finanzpaket +++ Linke weist AfD-Vorstoß zur Einberufung des Bundestags zurück +++ alle Entwicklungen im Liveblog

The German Bundestag is debating a large financial package. Defense Minister Pistorius (SPD) spoke in favor, emphasizing security over financial concerns. The SPD will vote digitally on the coalition agreement. The Union and SPD need either the Left or AfD's votes to implement their plans. A basic law reform needs to be accepted with a minimum amount of opposing votes by Union, SPD and the Green party.

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