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Liveticker: Klingbeil: „Das ist das größte Paket der deutschen Geschichte“

Bundestag debattiert über Schuldenpaket +++ Opposition scheitert mit Absetzungsantrag +++ Bayern will im Bundesrat für Schuldenpaket stimmen +++ alle Entwicklungen im Liveblog

The German Bundestag is debating and voting on a large debt package. Defense Minister Pistorius argues that the current security situation is more important than the state of the treasury. The opposition's motion to dismiss the package failed, and Bavaria will vote in favor of it in the Bundesrat. SPD members like Wiebke Esdar are supporting the package, and Lars Klingbeil appears to have secured broad support within the SPD. The FDP politician Otto Fricke held what he said would be "on the foreseeable time" his last speech in the Bundestag.

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