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Marine Le Pen atacă dur decizia lui Trump de a sista ajutorul militar pentru Ucraina: De o brutalitate condamnabilă. Este o mare cruzime față de soldații ucraineni

Lidera extremei drepte franceze Marine Le Pen consideră că „pauza” ordonată de Donald Trump în ajutorul militar american este o decizie a cărei „brutalitate” e „condamnabilă”. „Consider că brutalitatea acestei decizii este condamnabilă. Este o…

Marine Le Pen, leader of the French far-right party National Rally (RN), strongly criticized U.S. President Donald Trump's decision to pause military aid to Ukraine, calling it a "condemnable act of brutality" and a "great betrayal" for Ukrainian soldiers defending their country. Le Pen argued that while no one can force the U.S. to maintain its support, abruptly stopping aid without allowing Ukraine time to adapt is highly criticizeable. She emphasized the importance of maintaining support in areas like intelligence and technology, which she believes cannot be easily replaced. Le Pen also highlighted what she described as Europe's "digital subjection" to the U.S. and reiterated her opposition to the idea of a European military alliance, stating she would "never support a purely European defense."

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