El pleno del Congreso empezó a abordar ayer el informe final que recomienda acusar al expresidente Martín Vizcarra por los delitos de organización criminal y otros, a propósito del caso conocido como ‘Vacunagate’. Sin embargo, el tema no llegó a debatirse ni a someterse a votación al solicitarse un cuarto intermedio, quedando aún en suspenso. La sesión continuará este jueves.
The Peruvian Congress is considering an accusation against former President Martín Vizcarra for alleged criminal organization and other crimes related to the "Vacunagate" scandal, involving the irregular acquisition of COVID-19 vaccines. The debate and vote on the matter were suspended after a recess was requested. Vizcarra, who already faces two prior congressional disqualifications, claims innocence. The accusation stems from a report alleging he headed a criminal organization that profited economically and politically from the vaccine acquisition and falsified documents to cover it up.