Santiváñez enfrenta cuatro mociones de censura. Conasec propone medidas para poner un alto a la inseguridad ciudadana. Congreso acuerda comprar dos inmuebles por US$ 13,5 millones al BCP. Donald Trump y Vladimir Putin pactan una tregua muy limitada. Seleccionado boliviano considera “factible” ganar en Lima por Eliminatorias.
The El Comercio podcast covers these topics: The Minister of the Interior faces four motions of censure, Conasec proposes measures to combat citizen insecurity, Congress agrees to purchase two properties from BCP for $13.5 million, Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin agree to a limited truce, Paraguay (2-2): summary and goals, Four deaths from Medifarma serum, Irrespetuoso gesture in the Peruvian anthem, The "Queen of exercise" dies, A jackpot winner in Illinois, Southwest Airlines changes baggage fees, Adrianzén supports Díaz Zulueta, The Supreme Court acquits Cerrón, Dina Boluarte calls general elections, A new Minister of the Interior faces investigation.