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Ministrul român de Externe îl contrazice pe JD Vance în privința anulării alegerilor: ”N

Ministrul de Externe, Emil Hurezeanu, a declarat că ”toată lumea” de pe scena politică internaţională întreabă de ce au fost anulate alegerile prezidenţiale din România. Drept răspuns, ministrul de Externe le-a explicat oficialilor străini că decizia nu a fost luată ”în urma unor dovezi discutabile ale serviciilor secrete”, ci printr-o sentinţă a Curţii Constituţionale, cel mai înalt for judiciar implicat în procesul electoral.

Romania's Foreign Minister, Emil Hurezeanu, has refuted U.S. Vice President JD Vance's criticism of the annulment of Romania's 2024 presidential elections. Vance argued that such actions undermine democratic values, while Hurezeanu explained that the elections were invalidated through a legal process by the Constitutional Court, the highest judicial authority. Hurezeanu clarified that the financial figures cited were tens of millions of dollars, not the hundreds of thousands mentioned. He emphasized that the decision was collective, involving multiple institutions, and highlighted foreign interference through manipulated accounts and false identities. Hurezeanu's remarks were in response to Vance's comments at the CPAC conference, aiming to defend Romania's lawful process.

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